
Monday, August 9, 2021

 Last Monday me and LP were planting some plants. It was fun but most of the time I had to do some planting. But it was fun by myself LP help me thow I did 10 it was amazing. After that we plaed dodgeball t was Teams the otherTeam had Baylee and Luke but we had Tyson we destroyed them. And we played deathmatch are team won.

Today we were doing whats haver then 1kg if you can see its in the top of my writing. 

Weighing packets

 First we had to choose a packet and we write down the weigh and affter that we had to write the name of the packet.After that we filled the packet with sand.Then i  had to put sand in to the packet and try to match the weight.  we write the grams in ourbook we got 492.

I notice sometmes the bigest is not always the heaviest.

I notice not to file the packet with sand to the top.

I got better every time when we keep trying.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The candey earth

 In are inquire we did a another resemble of the earth. we use a M&Ms the inner cor and the  outer cor. we use the marshmallow. the marshmallow was the mantol. And the chocolate was the crust. we squeeze the marshmallow to make tectonic plates.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The example of the Earth

Today we look at an egg and how it could reprsent the earth. My buddies were Baylee and Tyson Lachlan.  we cracked the egg a little bit to see the in side. How to give me some The egg shell was the crust. The next layer was the yolk white egg was the mantol. The outer core was the yolk. The next layer was the inner cor is the yolk.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Moon Landing

Once a panatime. There was a rocket ship there were 8 astronauts they went to the. Moon but there were only 5 astronaut the to rocket ship. gone The wrong way the 5 astronaut were sceard  they worryed. sudenlee they saw a green lazer thay  said what is that they were. In the moon. the moon was going to  exploded they quickly hopped in there rocket ship to go to earth when they landed in earth the moon exploded they were lucky the end.

Under The Earth Surfas

the earthhas two cores The inner core made of solid iron.
the outer core is made of molen iron

the mantle is realy hot in the part of the eartth causeing the rock to beehave a little bit a liquid  and soled

the crust is part of the earth that we walkon. 

the earth is made from Tectonic plates.


 To day in math we did capacity. I had Winslow and Hunter and Oskar and Rockey and Jaime of people. We did a sand race to Fill the cup with sand and . I useed the cup cuz the cup is beger then the spone. We had a race my buddy was Winslow. Winslow had the spone we strarted it took me 21 to fill the ice creme box and Winslow got 52 after that we move to the next activities it was the water cup fill. we had to do what will fill up the fastis I choose the ice cream box again. and a big red cup it took me 6 times the next activity. was kind of the same but the Bottle were. Different but it was fun the capacity. we went in side to tolk about what we leared about capacity.