
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Two word story.

  The flying cat man was flying through the universe speedily. Through the asteroids came a strange object that looked like a planet from far away, then an alien type scary monster. It had big long tentacles moving around like they were in panic. I ran away from the monster but was faster so it caught me and I tried to escape.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

blending in

As they Dashed off a glimmer of stripes could be seen. it was Blending in really whell eyes shining like gold. Strom rumbling in flashing lights going through the shiny clouds. rainbow flashing in the clouds the zebra was huge biger then a Mountains. cool strips. Soft tail it was rumbling its head super fast it was stomping loud bom bom bomm. Loud as it can it poof away runing fast like a cheetah. I was riding it it was fun I went back home it was a dream.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


The chair is like soft cloud.

A Mouse is super quiet like falling snow.

The blue screen is like the sky in summer.

Benji's laugh is like a cheeky monkey.

The cheer was as loud as multiple elephants.

The light was Bright as a shiny sun.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Pool Rules

 No pushing in the ool.

 No Eating in a pool. 

 No bombing in the pool. 

No running 

Monday, November 8, 2021

News Report

 Me and Abby were doing a news report. but we stared with what does the earth need to survive? we did facts I didn't know that climate change can change on any plant. We
 had to do why in the sun importent to us. Now we going to grow plants if there is no sun. So after that me and Abby did are news report. 
We started talking facts we cut and we were don't.

place value

Thursday, October 28, 2021

What Earth Needs To Survive

I am working with Abby we need to find out what earth needs to survive we found out the earth needs water sun plants clouds. I never knew climate change can change on any planet. the erth side is 6371 km I never knew that it fun to learn facts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, September 14, 2021



Monday, September 13, 2021


 when you see your school bully

when you try to relax 

when you think you're the queen but you realise your not

Thursday, September 9, 2021


 I need a biger room

  i bealieve I can fly 

hey mam can i go to sleep

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i dont want to take a bath

ahhhhhhhhh am so scraed

 I can do parkour


Monday, August 9, 2021

 Last Monday me and LP were planting some plants. It was fun but most of the time I had to do some planting. But it was fun by myself LP help me thow I did 10 it was amazing. After that we plaed dodgeball t was Teams the otherTeam had Baylee and Luke but we had Tyson we destroyed them. And we played deathmatch are team won.

Today we were doing whats haver then 1kg if you can see its in the top of my writing. 

Weighing packets

 First we had to choose a packet and we write down the weigh and affter that we had to write the name of the packet.After that we filled the packet with sand.Then i  had to put sand in to the packet and try to match the weight.  we write the grams in ourbook we got 492.

I notice sometmes the bigest is not always the heaviest.

I notice not to file the packet with sand to the top.

I got better every time when we keep trying.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The candey earth

 In are inquire we did a another resemble of the earth. we use a M&Ms the inner cor and the  outer cor. we use the marshmallow. the marshmallow was the mantol. And the chocolate was the crust. we squeeze the marshmallow to make tectonic plates.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The example of the Earth

Today we look at an egg and how it could reprsent the earth. My buddies were Baylee and Tyson Lachlan.  we cracked the egg a little bit to see the in side. How to give me some The egg shell was the crust. The next layer was the yolk white egg was the mantol. The outer core was the yolk. The next layer was the inner cor is the yolk.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Moon Landing

Once a panatime. There was a rocket ship there were 8 astronauts they went to the. Moon but there were only 5 astronaut the to rocket ship. gone The wrong way the 5 astronaut were sceard  they worryed. sudenlee they saw a green lazer thay  said what is that they were. In the moon. the moon was going to  exploded they quickly hopped in there rocket ship to go to earth when they landed in earth the moon exploded they were lucky the end.

Under The Earth Surfas

the earthhas two cores The inner core made of solid iron.
the outer core is made of molen iron

the mantle is realy hot in the part of the eartth causeing the rock to beehave a little bit a liquid  and soled

the crust is part of the earth that we walkon. 

the earth is made from Tectonic plates.


 To day in math we did capacity. I had Winslow and Hunter and Oskar and Rockey and Jaime of people. We did a sand race to Fill the cup with sand and . I useed the cup cuz the cup is beger then the spone. We had a race my buddy was Winslow. Winslow had the spone we strarted it took me 21 to fill the ice creme box and Winslow got 52 after that we move to the next activities it was the water cup fill. we had to do what will fill up the fastis I choose the ice cream box again. and a big red cup it took me 6 times the next activity. was kind of the same but the Bottle were. Different but it was fun the capacity. we went in side to tolk about what we leared about capacity.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

This is a bag design

 we are going to make this for inquiry

Monday, June 28, 2021

In Monday Mashup

 In Monday Mashup.

we did gardening. me and Archie were buddys we needed a plastic bag and some soil we put the soil in the plastic bag  and we needed to get a plant and put the plant in the plastic bag and. we got a circle thing and put it around the plant and we got some stone and put the stone arund the plant. and we did dodgeball the dogeball was really fun I got a lot of peaple I got Luke down 3 times but Baylee got me down. Tysongot baylee down I got up the game was over.

Family Fact

In Math we did a family fact we needed to do it in are drive and do it I really enjoyed it I had fun. I got kind of confuse but it was easy

Monday, June 21, 2021

New Zealand inquiry

For our inquiry abaut belonging and NZ history, I have chosen to investigate thewhat people would take to a new country. Here is my research. we made a Google form a nd sent to Rawhiti families. 

                                                   Inquiry Form

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Manday Mashup

In Monday mashup. I did dodgeball we started teams it was starting good. I got a good started. but Baylee got me out. after that we played deathmash. I was going in god mode. I was in sane I got so many people out I got Baylee. It was really hard it was fun I like it.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Kehu and Brunner

 Shared Writing

Kehu and Brunner went on a journey to try to reach Milford sound from Nelson. They had another guide and Kehu and the other guides wife with them. 

They were travelling through the bush along a river called the Buller river. The water was deep and the bush was dense. It looked like a jungle.

The journey was rough and hard. They had to make a raft to go down the river. They made harakeke ropes to help them climb up and down the cliffs.

When their food ran out, they ate rats and fern roots. They had to eat Brunner’s dog! Eventually, they only had seaweed to eat.

They travelled for 6 months before Kehu said they can’t go any further because it was too dangerous. Brunner decided to carry on alone until a wave smashed him into the rocks and he sprained his ankle. After three weeks, he could walk again and he decided to go back home. 

He met the others on the way back and they went back to Nelson. On the way, Brunner had a stroke and the others wanted to leave him behind to die but Kehu would not do that. He helped him to get back to Nelson.

He got an award from the Queen.

Friday, May 28, 2021

What I learnt in ferrymead

I learnt

  • I learned that how you make the candles. from animal fat.
  • ladies be for men. 
  • I learnt that the women's Hospital are biger din the mens on the ship. 
  • how the dubol Mews saw. cut the tree brunch.
  • han made shoes and polishing the shoes. because the shoes were expensive.
  • sweeping the v hut in the inside. 
  • thay live in the v Hutt because the house was too hard to make.
  • The iron was made from steel.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Baking in the 1860.

 The other day we made bread and butter to try it out to see what it was like in the  1850s and 60s. Affter when we make we will try it out. 

We had a jar and a button we put  cream in the jar, And salt 32 people  shackd the jar really hard we went to the kitchen, urmi speld cream. We put butter and  flower and hot water and salt in a bowl. Then we put it in the oven for 30, min.

 After that urmi cut the bread and put some buttter on the the bread and then we ate it. I think I would make this again.   

Monday, May 10, 2021

 Zia was staring at pippa. zia was thinking pippa wanted to go outside. Zia went to Beth. Zia said meow Beth said ok. Beth opened the door. zia was spying on pippa zia was powering up. she attcked zia and won. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

my best holiday.

 in the holidays I had the best day. I went to my friend's house. and plad some games. on are phone it was very fun. I went to the trampoline I was haveing fun. jumping up and down. I went in side to get some food I had bread I took some they were really good. after that I played some games it was fun I killed 52 people.

new graph

                       In math used a new in new creator.

Friday, April 9, 2021


in Easter I went to QEII it was fun to jump in the water I pop a manu but I hurt my back really hard but I was ok and I did It again I did the same thing and hurt  my back I went Back home and I played call of Duty I won a game I went to Battle Royale I won It was  quite easy to win it was night I went to my bed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

my pepeha


Thursday, March 11, 2021


Yesterday we went to gymnastics at the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. It was very funny the trampoline was very bouncy and we had to jump really high. After that I jumped in the foam pit.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Manay Mashup

 in manday mashup

we did some digging and cleaning and dend we where digging up some stuff and after date we hade a apple the apple was very sweet we planted some seed and we went to the play crune and we went back to put the 

Friday, February 26, 2021

being me

Be ready: get ready to  change

Be curious:  curious to be not copying people

Be connected: connected to teams 

Be persistent: never give up be brave 

Be kind: kind to arethere people

Be brave:  be brave to help people


 In Swimming We Had To Do Free Swim. It Was Very Fun But Sharon's group Had To Do Listened. It Was Sad But Me And Connor Playd Together. It Was Fun Talking To Connor .We Had Fun But We Had To Get Out. Because We Had To Go Back. To The Room.

Monday, February 15, 2021